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The Magic of Reality: How we know what’s really true


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  英國最具影響力科學家理查道金斯2011全新出擊,還邀來《第十四道門》繪者聯手創作《The Magic of Reality》!這次道金斯不只談他最擅長的「演化論」,還在讀者眼前展現「真實世界的神奇魔力」,在英美上市後,已橫掃科普類暢銷書榜冠軍,讀者看完書後紛紛表示道金斯優美的文字,讓他們重新發現世界的美好並感到驚艷不已。

  身為高舉「無神論」旗幟的科學家,道金斯筆下的「魔力」無關炫麗的舞台技巧、也不是《哈利波特》魔法師飛天遁地的招式,而是散布在閃耀星空、繽紛彩虹、生生不息的一草一木…富有詩意的宇宙現象,這些現象有的用肉眼就能觀察到,有些則非視線所及 (如光波)。

  書中十二個篇章都始於一個簡單的問題:「為什麼地球上有這麼多種動物?」、「為什麼有晝夜與四季?」、「太陽是什麼?」、「彩虹是什麼?」、「地震是什麼?」、「什麼是奇蹟?」…道金斯帶領讀者從最古老的起源或傳說,回顧人們最初理解事物的途徑,接著他以實證詳細說明這些現象的真實原理。例如在「誰是世界上最早的人類?」篇章,道金斯先是提到塔斯馬尼亞、希臘神話,再從人類六百萬年前的老祖宗起源說起─ 人類四百萬年前的老祖宗,還徜徉在海底呢!道金斯藉化石、DNA實證以及科學發現一一解開謎團。

  我們的老祖先曾以故事及神話解釋宇宙現象,因而增添現象的美感,但道金斯認為:「真相,遠比神話或捏造出來的奇蹟更充滿魔力。真相會釋放你,讓你更貼近事物的美好」而這本各界大力讚賞的《The Magic of Reality》,真的以生動筆觸及圖像,讓我們發掘宇宙間美麗的真相,看見彩虹閃耀動人,不只因它色彩繽紛。(文/銀背鋼絲絨)

  What are things made of?
  What is the sun?
  Why is there night and day, winter and summer?
  Why do bad things happen?

  Are we alone?

  Throughout history people all over the world have invented stories to answer profound questions such as these. Have you heard the tale of how the sun hatched out of an emu’s egg? Or what about the great catfish that carries the world on its back? Has anyone ever told you that earthquakes are caused by a sneezing giant? These fantastical myths are fun - but what is the real answer to such questions?

  The Magic of Reality, with its explanations of space, time, evolution and more, will inspire and amaze readers of all ages - young adults, adults, children, octogenarians. Teaming up with the renowned illustrator Dave McKean, Richard Dawkins answers all these questions and many more. In stunning words and pictures this book presents the real story of the world around us, taking us on an enthralling journey through scientific reality, and showing that it has an awe-inspiring beauty and thrilling magic which far exceed those of the ancient myths.

  We encounter rainbows, our genetic ancestors, tsunamis, shooting stars, plants, animals, and an intriguing cast of characters in this extraordinary scientific voyage of discovery. Richard Dawkins and Dave McKean have created a dazzling celebration of our planet that will entertain and inform for years to come.



理查道金斯(Richard Dawkins)

  是英國最重要的科學作家,不但每一本書都是暢銷書,並經常在各大媒體討論、評論科學的各個面向。道金斯的暢銷著作中,《自私的基因》為最重要的代表作,《延伸的表現型》(The Extended Phenotype, 1982)次之。此外,《盲眼鐘錶匠》(The Blind Watchmaker, 1986)與續篇《攀登不可能的山》(Climbing Mount Improbable, 1996)都是演化生物學的入門書。

  Richard Dawkins is the former Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University (1995-2008). His many bestsellers include The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion.

大衛.麥金(Dave McKean)

  是說故事大師尼爾蓋曼最愛合作的插畫家,他們共同完成的作品包括《第十四道門》(Coraline)、《墓園裡的男孩》(The Graveyard Book)、《牆壁裡的狼》(The Wolves in the Walls)、《那天,我用爸爸換了兩條金魚》(The Day I Swapped My Dad For Two Goldfish)等。麥金的圖像筆筆生動活潑,人物造型時而用墨水筆瀟灑勾繪,時而化身為照片、或是舞台上的小人偶,融合了實物與虛構,使用各種素材,出神入化,令人嘆為觀止。

  Dave McKean has illustrated many award winning books and graphic novels, including Coraline by Neil Gaiman, and the Newberry and Carnegie Medal winning The Graveyard Book. He has created hundreds of album, comic and book covers, and has designed characters for two of the Harry Potter films. He has also directed two feature films, MirrorMask and Luna.


The Magic of Reality: How we know what’s really true

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